Your sewer line is an essential part of your home plumbing system and yet one section that is regularly overlooked. That’s because, in most cases, the sewer line does its job admirably and nothing else is needed from it.

However, when you have an issue you will want it resolved quickly. This is when you get hold of your plumber Sydney and you also discover that you are liable for the sewer line until the edge of your property.
Blockages and damage to sewer lines cause sewage to stop flowing, potentially causing it to flow back up into your home. That’s not a pleasant experience. That’s why you need to know these five signs that your sewer line needs to be inspected.
1. Slow Drains
If you have one slow drain in your home then there is likely to be an issue with the plumbing just under the appliance.
However, if you realize that several, or all the drains are working slowly then you are likely to have a blockage building in your sewer line. The sooner you get it checked the better!
2. Aromas
Waste that has become stuck in the pipe will emit a foul smell and you’ll start to notice it in your home; Normally, the trap under an appliance prevents gases from getting up and into your home. But, when there is an issue with your sewer line the pressure of the gas can force it through the water trap and you will notice the smell.
You may also notice a smell of methane, that’s the gas that is emitted by waste and it can be dangerous. You’ll want your sewer line inspected and the issue resolved as quickly as possible.
3. Changing Water Levels
It’s easiest to look in your toilet for this. The majority of the time the water level should be consistent. However, if you find that the water level has dropped then you may have an issue with your sewer line. This is more likely and potentially more serious if the water level is fluctuating between higher and lower.
You’ll want the lines inspected to discover the source of the issue.
4. Green Patches In Yard
If you notice that a specific part of your garden seems to have greener grass than the rest you may have a sewage line issue. Check where the greener patches are, if they are in line with your sewage pipes or septic tank then you need a pipe inspection!
5. Regular Clogs
Don’t forget that most sewage systems clog occasionally although, if the right products are put into the system this is never an issue. However, if you find that your system is clogging regularly you need to have the sewer lines inspected and any issues resolved.
You should note that the professionals will use an inspection camera to assess the condition of your sewer line and locate any possible issues. They can then advise you regarding the issue and help you choose the best possible resolution.