7 Tips for Cooking Indoors on a Hot Day

a group of people preparing food in a kitchen

When the temperature outdoors rises to scorching-hot levels, it can be difficult to cook indoors. That’s especially true if you don’t have AC to keep the interior of your home comfortable. 

Cooking or baking indoors when the mercury in the thermometer is sky-high can make the inside of your house feel hotter than the exterior of your home on a steamy day.

While it might not be the best idea to turn on the stove or oven during a heat wave, you might not fancy ordering food or going to a restaurant. If that’s the case, you need to take precautions. The good news is there are ways you can cook indoors without losing your cool.

Here are seven tips to remember when cooking indoors when it’s way too hot outside.

1. Cook Quick Meals

If you must turn on the stove or oven to cook when it’s hot outdoors, keep the cooking time to a minimum. That means preparing meals that don’t need a lengthy cooking period. Cooking meals quickly means you can prepare food without significantly raising the temperature in your home.

2. Open the Windows

While it might seem counterproductive to open the windows when it’s hot outdoors, you can make the kitchen area more bearable by opening the kitchen windows when cooking. Hot air inside your kitchen will exit your home and make the interior a little more comfortable.

3. Turn on the Stove Exhaust Fan

A stove exhaust fan can be your friend when cooking on a hot day. It’s designed to clear the air in your kitchen, and it does so by venting heat, smoke, and odors from your kitchen to the exterior of your home. Running the stove exhaust fan can help lower the kitchen temperature.

4. Dress for the Occasion

Another way you can cook indoors on a hot day without losing your cool is to dress for the occasion. Instead of slacks and a sweatshirt, for instance, opt for shorts and a tank top. You can make meal preparation and cooking less onerous on a hot day by wearing the right gear.

5. Use Your AC Unit

You can keep your kitchen cool on a hot day with an AC unit. Going without one during the summer months won’t only make your home almost uninhabitable, but it can also be dangerous. Having an AC unit is essential to get through the hot weather months. And annual maintenance will ensure that your AC equipment works flawlessly when you need it.

If you don’t have an AC unit or need to replace the one installed, find a reputable HVAC provider. It’s best to hire a company that’s local to you. If you’re a homeowner in Woodland Hills, California, find an HVAC company that does AC installation in Woodland Hills. A local service provider will be best suited to sell you an AC unit, provide routine maintenance, and do repairs.

6. Cook Earlier in the Day

Another way to beat the heat is to start cooking earlier in the day.  The temperatures might be lower early in the day versus late in the morning or afternoon. If that’s the case where you are, take advantage of the cooler period to prepare your food for the day.

7. Use a Slow Cooker

A slow cooker is a good option over a stove or oven when the temperature is excessively hot outside. If you and yours enjoy stews, soups, or other things that can be prepared in a slow cooker, you can make food without turning the inside of your home into a sauna.

These are seven ways to cook indoors on a hot day without losing your cool. While it’s best to cook outside or order some food on such occasions, you might prefer cooking your own meals indoors. By considering these tips, you can have it your way without too much trouble.