What is Fat Freezing and How Does it Work

diet, food, healthy

There are three types of fat in the body; essential, visceral and subcutaneous. Essential fat is necessary for every human being. Visceral fat is found around the major organs. And the remaining fat which is found everywhere on the body is the subcutaneous fat. It is the fat that you so badly want to get rid of.

Subcutaneous fat an unneeded thing and disliked by everyone. It makes you look unfit and overweight. The worst thing is that even after spending hours in the gym, you are still left with some fat which refuses to go away, especially the belly fat. But now, technology has found a way to help you get rid of this stubborn fat. A medical procedure called Fat Freezing has been designed for the purpose of helping people get rid of the stubborn fat that no exercise or diet seems to work on.

As per its literal meaning, the procedure freezes the fat cells under the skin which leads to their death and reduces the fat in that area. It is also known as Cool Sculpting. It has become a popular treatment option at the salons for many people struggling with unwanted body fat. Many Hollywood celebrities have endorsed this method and seen fruitful results. A lot of women who are conscious about how they look often opt for multiple cosmetic treatments like HIFU and Fat Freezing to look their best.

Let us find out more about how this works.

What Does It Mean?

Fat freezing, Cool Sculpting, or cryolipolysis is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Cryolipolysis — which means cold (cryo) fat (lipo) destruction (lysis).

How Does It Work?

With the help of cooling paddles, the skin is sucked like a vacuum and cooled down. The temperature is almost 0 degrees. As the fat cells are right under the skin, they are crystallized. The suction and cooling might cause some discomfort but the area eventually gets numbed making the remaining procedure very comfortable. With time, the fat cells go dead. As a result, they break away and flush out of the body passing through the liver. This one procedure can stay for up to three months. It usually takes a couple of hours for a single procedure. The time may vary from case to case as the texture of the skin can impact the freezing process. The results are evident as soon as three weeks.

Fat Loss Not Weight Loss

The fat can easily be reduced from the stomach, thighs, arms, or any other area which the patient wants. However, Fat Freezing usually does not shed pounds as fat weighs less than muscle. After several procedures, the results are evident physically but not on the weighing scale. It is suitable for people who are near to their ideal weight but have a few stubborn areas of fat that are difficult to get rid of through diet and exercise. It is a permanent fat reduction technology, but only if you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Idea Behind Fat Freezing

This idea originated after frostbite when it was discovered that fat cells freeze earlier than skin freezes. This is because fat is more temperature-sensitive than your skin. As the temperature drops, it goes through the cell death process before the skin does.

Is It Safe?

Fat Freezing is considered a safe medical treatment. It was approved by the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) in 2010. Compared to traditional liposuction, it is non-surgical, non- invasive, and requires no recovery time. A single treatment can reduce fat cells by 20 to 25 percent. To date, there have been more than eight million Fat Freezing treatments performed worldwide. The only way to ensure that the procedure is carried out safely is to opt for an experienced and trusted practitioner only. Same goes for other cosmetic treatments like ฟิลเลอร์ as well.

Does It Have Any Side Effects?

Fat freezing has several side effects too. That is why it is recommended to get the procedure done by a professional. The freezing temperature may create a tugging sensation at the treatment site. Later, it can also cause pain, itching, swelling, and redness which may take from 3 -11 days to finish off. A very rare but serious complication that may arise is paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. It usually occurs in men. Instead of fat cells reducing, they start to grow larger. It is still unknown what causes this but there have been cases so this cannot be ignored out.


Fat Freezing is not the ultimate solution for obesity. People with only mild fat can opt for this procedure. Diet and exercise with a healthy lifestyle are major effective tools for weight loss which should never be undermined concerning these treatments.