5 Best German Cookbooks for your Kitchen

German cuisine is full of delicious dishes. From Sauerbrauten to Schnitzel there are so many different recipes in the German cuisine that you should try out. And if you aim to cook a German dish right at home, then you need to find the best German cookbook there is. With the help of these cookbooks, you will be whipping up tasty treats in no time.

through reading these German cookbook reviews, you should be able to purchase the best one for yourself. Read these following recipes books to find classic takes and modern twists on some amazing German recipes.

German Cookbook Review Center 2021

Now that you’ve seen our top 5 recommendations, we’ll give you more detail on each of them, including why we liked them. When you’re ready, click the yellow button to get the best price on Amazon!

#1 – Grandma’s German Cookbook by Linn Schmidt

Grandma's German Cookbook by Linn Schmidt Product Image

Have you ever wanted to make dishes that were as good as your German Grandmother’s cooking? Well, if you have always wanted to achieve that same classic taste, then this cookbook has got what you need. From fried dumplings to creamy rolls, whatever kind of German dish you want, this cookbook has it. It could be a hefty main course of a meal, or even a light and fluffy dessert, this cookbook can surely teach you how to cook it all. And to achieve that classic Grandmotherly taste that you may love, this cookbook will teach you some German cooking secrets too!

You will be able to proudly continue the tradition of serving delicious German dishes at meals. So if you want to prepare a classic German feast for a family get together, then the recipes in this cookbook are certainly what you should be cooking. The authentic taste of the food will make people harken back to the good old days of simple yet filling cooking. And if you serve this to your kids or to anyone younger, you will be able to serve classic dishes that you may have eaten in the past. So continue on in the proud tradition of serving some of the best in what German cuisine has got to offer. A lot of people will appreciate the tasty classic German recipes.

What we liked about it

We love all of the authentic-tasting recipes in this German cookbook. When we made a pot roast, according to the German style of cooking following the recipes in this book, we were really floored by how much it tasted like the real deal. The book’s writers really were not kidding when they titled this cookbook, Grandma’s German Cookbook. We also have got to say that despite being classic dishes, they were all rather easy to make.

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#2 – The Wurst!: The Very Best of German Food by Otto Wolff

The Wurst The Very Best of German Food by Otto Wolff Product Image

Do not be fooled by the initial title of this cookbook, it simply has got all of the best when it comes to German cuisine. If you want only the best dishes in German cooking, such as Rouladen or Stollen, you can find those and more in this German cookbook.

All of the most popular dishes, including dessert foods such as rye bread or Berliner, are found in this cookbook as well. So if you are a baker, then you should find this cookbook really useful to read. The wide array of German-style dishes that you can prepare for it is going to be really fun to make.

The rich culture and variety of German cooking have often been overlooked by a lot of cooks, in favor of more popular cuisines such as Italian or French is a travesty. With this cookbook, you can see the rich influence that German cuisine has got over the rest of Europe’s cooking and the world. All of the recipes have been deconstructed to help you fully understand how to prepare the food, and you can even learn about the history and development of one particular kind of dish in German cuisine as well.

When you want to get a solid cookbook about German cooking, that shows all of the best dishes, then you should read this one.

What we liked about it:

This German cookbook really opened our eyes and gave us more knowledge specifically about German cuisine. Few other cookbooks cover that topic, especially on German cooking. So we appreciate the extra time and effort that the cookbook’s authors have put into that topic. And we also have got to say that we really can see the in-depth research that the writers have done on German cooking, which makes the recipes even better to read.

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#3 – Classic German Baking: The Very Best Recipes for Traditional Favorites, from Pfeffernüsse to Streuselkuchen by Luisa Weiss

Classic German Baking The Very Best Recipes for Traditional Favorites, from Pfeffernusse to Streuselkuchen by Luisa Weiss Product Image

There are probably dozens of different German dishes that you are aware of, these can be anything from Bratwurst to Pumpernickel. And you can find the recipes, classic ones to boot, in this German cookbook, and definitely many other recipes for classic dishes in German cooking as well. This cookbook is an amazing resource for anyone that wants to familiarize themselves with the world and culture of German cuisine. You could say that this cookbook is the authority on classic German cuisine. And it is certainly a tome on that cooking topic since there are hundreds of different pages all filled up with the best in what German cuisine has got to offer. If you would like to learn all of the most classic and beloved German recipes, then you will not go wrong in getting this classic German cookbook.

Each of the one hundred different recipes in this cookbook has been deeply researched by the book’s writer. Luisa Weiss wanted to recreate the true taste of German cuisine, so her readers could be able to prepare meals that tasted as they really should, which us authentically German. The 100 recipes that are found in this cookbook cover a wide variety of different topics, so whether it is Breakfast foods or Dessert recipes that you are after, you are certainly going to be able to find them in here.

What we liked about it

Few other cookbook writers take the time to thoroughly research their topics, but Luisa Weiss certainly has done all of the required work. In each of the recipes that she outlines, she writes down what the history of the dish is, and we love that extra information. And we can also definitely say that the dishes really do taste as authentically German as they could be when we prepared them ourselves. We really love that this cookbook highlight classic German cooking.

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#4 – Best Recipes German Cooking And Baking by Dr Oetker

Best Recipes German Cooking And Baking by Dr Oetker

Not everyone has got a lot of cooking experience. And with German cooking, there are probably even fewer people that have got a ton of experience with German-style cooking. And chances are you are one of those people. And if you are, then this German cookbook is the best one for you. It is because the steps that are in this cookbook are really easy to follow. All of the procedures for cooking dishes such as Pretzels or even baking Rye bread can easily be followed. So you should have no trouble at all getting a hang of the basics in German cuisine.

German cuisine is definitely not that easy to make, so a lot of people need the help of a cookbook. Dr. Oetker really has hit the nail on the head in that regards, because this is such a creatively written and simple recipe book that any cook can follow. Even if you have no prior experience at all with German cooking, then you will find that this cookbook is incredibly useful as a resource. And what is more, is that you are not only limited to cooking traditional dishes but if you are into baking, then this cookbook has got a lot of baking recipes for German cuisine as well. It is definitely recommended that you get this cookbook if you are still a beginner.

What we liked about it:

We love the fact that the recipes in this cookbook can be tweaked a bit here and there. So if you want a little wiggle room in your recipes, then this cookbook definitely does allow them. We know we appreciate the chance to experiment a little with the recipes. And the recipes were certainly easy to follow as well, we had no trouble at all recreating some of the lesser-known recipes in the German cuisine.

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#5 – The German Cookbook: A Complete Guide to Mastering Authentic German Cooking by Mimi Sheraton

The German Cookbook A Complete Guide to Mastering Authentic German Cooking by Mimi Sheraton Product Image

There are tons of cookbooks on German cuisine out there, but few have the long publication history of this one. Mimi Sheraton’s The German Cookbook has been in print for more than five decades! And if the age of this cookbook’s publication history is not a sign of its quality and success, then we do not know what is. It is so well-respected and ubiquitous that your parents and even grandparents probably had this cookbook on their kitchen shelves as well. And you can continue on in the long and proud tradition of German cuisine with the recipes that you can find in this cookbook.

German hamburgers, Frankfurters, bread, soups and so much more can be found in this cookbook. It really is the definitive and complete guide to German-style cooking. So if you have always wanted to go back to the basics in German cooking, then this is the cookbook for you to get. You will be able to prepare some of the most well-loved dishes that you can ever find.

A lot of the recipes here are some of the older German ones. But you should not let that put you off from trying them out. Sure, these old-style recipes may seem obscure, but Sheraton makes the recipes really easy to follow and prepare for newbie cooks.

What we liked about it

This cookbook is really a classic, and we are able to see in the recipes that we tried out. When we selected several of the recipes that we found in this cookbook, and prepare them ourselves, we were really fell in love with the taste. Each of the recipes that we made tasted delicious and was on point when it comes to German cuisine as well. We would definitely recommend this cookbook to experienced German cooks and newbies alike.

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How we choose the top German cookbook on our list

So how did we choose the best rated German cookbook? We did not just base our choices on the popularity of the cookbook or its writers, we also took a look at a lot of other factors in order to pick out which cookbooks to include in our list. So here are the criteria that we followed to pick out the best German cookbooks in our reviews.

Variety and number of recipes

A priority in the cookbooks that we chose was the number of kinds of recipes that were included. We chose cookbooks that had more than one type of recipe, and at least one hundred recipes as well.

Authenticity and taste

Most importantly, we wanted to select cookbooks that had authentic tasting recipes that were actually tasty. To do this, we selected a few random recipes from each cookbook, in order to prepare and taste test them ourselves.

Ease of following recipes

Our list of top-rated German cookbooks was meant to be for everyone, not just for experienced cooks. We know that not everyone has got any experience with German cuisine preparation. So we wanted to pick cookbooks that had relatively easy to follow recipes.

Added information and value

Finally, we wanted to pick out books that had more information other than the recipes themselves. This is because we knew that the added information in the cookbooks, such as the history of the dishes, showed off the recipe that had been conducted for the cookbook. And we also wanted to pick out cookbooks that really immersed us and taught us a lot about German cooking.

Why you need a German cookbook in your kitchen

German cuisine has got a long history, and it has had a huge impact on the rest of the world. Sure, you may think that you know how to make a Pretzel, but if you really want to make an authentic one, then you need to learn it from a cookbook. Those are not the only reason why you need a cookbook on German food.

Learn all-new and old-style recipes

There are just German recipes that you cannot just find on the internet. If you want to make classic recipes or new spin-offs of old ones, then read them in cookbooks!

Try out German cooking techniques

If you want to learn German methods of cooking, then these cookbooks can teach you that as well.

Immerse yourself in German cuisine

There are a ton of things that you can learn that are not just all about recipes in these cookbooks. For example, you will be able to learn all about the history of German cuisine. So you can even read about how German cuisine has impacted the rest of European cooking.

Much better taste results

If you follow all of the recipes to the letter in these German cookbooks, then, of course, you would be able to prepare something that is truly delicious. You really will not be able to prepare classic and authentically tasting, if you experimented on your own. So if you want to make dishes that are objectively more delicious, then you definitely need to follow classic recipes, which are found in these cookbooks