Seven Common Reasons Why Motorcycle Crashes Happen

Riding a motorcycle is an extreme sport. We are all aware of that fact. But word is that it is also a lot of fun. So much fun that there are over two hundred million riders all around the world. Interesting statistics, to say the least! However, it’s not all roses and sunshine, as every year tallies around five thousand motorcycle crashes. With such devastating figures, we need to get to the bottom of why motorcycle crashes happen.

Seven Common Reasons Why Motorcycle Crashes Happen

What Causes Motorcycle Crashes?

As we all know, there are many stereotypes surrounding motorcycle riders. Ranging from being speed demons to just being plain reckless. While these stereotypes are seemingly harmless, they cause riders a lot of problems. Insurance companies even tend to show bias against them. A trend witnessed by a White Plains motorcycle accident lawyer on many occasions.

So how can the number of these accidents be reduced? By determining the reasons why motorcycle crashes happen and doing our best to avoid them.

1. Unmarked Fixed Objects

Suppose you use the road in any capacity whatsoever. In that case, you may have already seen the number of hazardous objects on the roads. Some examples include vehicles stalling on the road, road barriers, and the list goes on.

These objects can wreak significant havoc, especially when they don’t have reflectors or markings on them. A motorcycle rider may simply be cruising on the highway just enjoying life when suddenly they are thrown off-course. Certainly, a scary encounter, as the riders barely have protective shields protecting their bodies from the road and oncoming vehicles.

Therefore, it is important to warn other motorists to approach with caution by having reflectors on such objects, switching on hazard lights, and using the warning triangle.

2. Speeding

By far, the most common reason why motorcycle crashes happen is speed. A significant factor that influences people buying these bikes is that you want to enjoy perks that are limited to such machines.

While that is a valid reason, do your diligence and do not use the motorbike to speed on regular roads. They are not meant for that, as evidenced by speed limits. Instead, opt to test out your machine’s top seed on specialty race tracks.

3. Unseasoned Riders

It goes without saying that motorcycles should only be used by trained experts. Precisely why riding school exists. However, human beings are too curious. You will find unseasoned riders just hopping onto these speed machines and revving away. Needless to say, this rarely ends well. And all it takes is a split second for damage to happen.

4. Drinking and Riding

There is a reason why alcohol companies continuously warn us against operating machinery when drinking. If only we could listen, then maybe we would not see devastating fatalities from motorcycle accidents.

Drinking affects coordination and judgment, some of the critical requirements for riding motorcycles in the first place. Therefore, as a motorcycle rider, always opt for a cab ride whenever you indulge in alcohol.

5. Older Riders

Contrary to popular belief, being older does not equate to being more experienced. In fact, there is a phenomenon called the curse of experience that explains this. Age makes us sloppy with experience in time. Older riders tend to have slower reaction times and can get forgetful. Such seemingly harmless errors could be the difference between life and death.

6. Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is hazardous, which is why it is illegal in some states. The habitual riding between two lanes by motorcyclists is the main cause of lane splitting. It usually catches other drivers unaware. Many side-swipes with motorcycles, which are frequently disastrous, are caused by this.

7. Head-On Collisions

Perhaps the most deadly motorcycle accident is the head-on collision. The repercussions caused by these accidents can be fatal or life-altering. Be careful when overtaking or overlapping. High-speed vehicles heading toward each other is just a disaster waiting to happen. And you, as the motorcycle rider, will face more harm than a regular motorist.

Avoiding Motorcycle Crashes

Understandably, you will want to enjoy your motorcycle while still being safe at the end of the day. This is possible. Just ride at a safe distance between you and the motorists around you and observe the speed limits. Finally, use a racing track when you absolutely have to satisfy your yearning for adrenaline.