What To Do Before You Turn Your Garage into an Outdoor Kitchen

A garage has long gone far from being only a place where you keep your car. People have all sorts of ideas for turning it into usable space, including workshops, offices, man caves, storage, or even additional rooms. As long as you think it through carefully and plan the renovation right, there are almost no limits to what you can do with your garage.

What To Do Before You Turn Your Garage into an Outdoor Kitchen

If you’re particularly fond of barbecuing and spending your time outside, you plan a catering business, or simply love cooking, you might think about converting your garage into an outdoor kitchen. While it will take some time, money, and effort, it will undoubtedly be worth it all once you start using it.

Below, you will find a concise guide to turning your garage into a kitchen. You will learn how important it is to inspect your garage properly, conduct all the necessary repairs and proper cleanup, insulate the place, and choose the right appliances.

Inspect Your Garage

A garage may be too humid, which can damage some of your belongings; it might be infested with pests or poorly insulated. And so on.

There are many things that can go wrong with your garage, and if you don’t use the space on a daily basis yet, you’re likely to miss some of them. That’s why it’s vital to conduct a proper inspection and see if there are any problems that need to be addressed before you continue with the renovations.

You will need to thoroughly inspect all the walls, floor, and ceiling of your garage, as well as look for damages in your garage door or windows. If you notice any signs of wear, get them fixed right away. Remember that you want to convert your garage into something functional and pleasant to the eye, not a potential future problem.

Do a Proper Cleanup

This step is pretty self-explanatory. You will need to clean your garage thoroughly before you start doing anything else.

Remember to get rid of all the unnecessary stuff since you won’t be able to work in it if it’s full of junk. Go through all your belongings, and find a new place for every item you have there. It will give you an excellent opportunity to decide what you don’t need anymore. You can even organize a garage sale to boost your renovation budget.

The next thing you will need to do is remove all the grease, oil, dust, and grime accumulated over the years. Taking everything apart and cleaning it thoroughly is an excellent way to tackle this job.

If you want to use the space as an outdoor kitchen, you will need to clean the floor as well. Remove all the stains, dirt, and debris and make it as clean as possible. If you’re opting for a wooden surface, you might want to consider getting a floor sealant and applying it to protect your floor from moisture and damage.

Conduct All the Necessary Repairs

Once you’ve cleaned your garage thoroughly, it’s time to repair all the damages that you’ve found during the inspection. You might need to replace the old garage door opener or other components, repair the drywall, and even touch up paint.

If you’re not comfortable making it a DIY project, you may want to consider hiring a contractor for this task. If you have some experience and spare time, though, you can rent a tool and do it yourself – but make sure you take all the necessary safety precautions.

Make Sure It’s Insulated Properly

Before you start doing anything else, you will need to make sure the garage is properly insulated. Not only will it be more comfortable to use, but it will also save you money on your utility bills.

You will need to find out what type of insulation is best suited for your garage type, climate, and needs. The most common options are rigid foam insulation, spray foam insulation, and blown-in fiberglass insulation. While spray foam insulation is highly effective, it’s also the most expensive one. It’s usually recommended for people who work in their garage frequently.

If you’re working with a limited budget, the best option is rigid foam insulation or blown-in fiberglass, which are much cheaper. Even though fiberglass insulation has its flaws, it’s still a much better alternative to nothing at all.

Choose The Right Appliances

Once you’ve finished all the necessary repairs and have made sure your garage is properly insulated, it’s time to choose your appliances. The furniture you select will largely depend on your needs and budget. While you can do it cheaply and opt for plastic tables and benches, you’d instead go for high-quality wooden furniture that is durable and long-lasting if you’re going to use your outdoor kitchen often or for commercial purposes.

You can find many options for this type of furniture online, or have a look at some local stores. There are plenty of materials to choose from – wood, wicker, iron, and more – so you can easily find something that fits your style and your budget.

After that, you should think about what you want to prepare in your outdoor kitchen. Will it be pizza ovens, grills, smokers, or barbecues? Once you’ve decided what sort of appliances will be best for your space, you should research them thoroughly and compare different models to see which one fits your needs best.


If you’ve checked out this article, it means you’re on your way to converting your garage into a functional outdoor kitchen where you can cook and entertain guests.

As you can see, converting your garage into an outdoor kitchen isn’t rocket science. The secret to its success is proper planning and preparation. As long as you know what you’re doing and do it right, you shouldn’t have any problems.

It will indeed require some time, money, and effort, but once you’ve completed it, you will be able to make the most of the space and enjoy it for many years.