Deviled Eggs: A Necessary Easter Recipe

Easter Deviled Eggs

Every family Easter gathering requires a plethora of hard boiled, dyed eggs. It is important to have a great deviled egg recipe if you don’t have one already. Many families have their own recipes and eggs with other seasonings may just taste wrong to these people. It is that way in my family, but I …

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Basic Russian Easter Recipes

Basic Russian Easter Recipes

Saturday night around 10pm we Russians begin our Paschal Liturgy (Easter Church Service). Usually things wrap up around 2-3am and we celebrate with a feast in our ‘Easter baskets’. Everyone puts something different in his or her basket but there are 3 staples; dark red Easter eggs, Kulich, which is a raisin filled pastry bread, …

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Easter Sunday Salad Recipe: No Cooking

Easter Sunday Salad Recipe

This Easter Sunday Salad Recipe is so delicious, and it is so easy! There is no cooking involved, so you could enjoy making it together with a special little one who wants to help. It is fluffy and yellow, and it just makes you think of little baby Easter Chicks and Ducks. If you are …

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Potato Surprise Casserole

Potato Surprise Casserole

This Easter recipe is a must-have at my house every year. The entire family just goes on and on about how they love it. At least I hope they do and their not just making it up. It is a very simple Easter recipe with very few ingredients. The dish is called: Potato Surprise Casserole. …

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